Elections Officials
This page includes information on the federal, state and county
officials California Peace and Freedom Party candidates may need
to deal with in the course of their campaigns. Candidates for
non-partisan local offices (such as city council) may also need
to deal with their cities' city clerks, who are not listed here.
Federal Elections Officials
- Federal Election Commission
999 E Street, NW
Washington, DC 20463
(800) 424-9530 toll-free
(202) 694-1100
State Elections Officials
- Secretary of State - Elections Division
Elections Division
John Mott-Smith, Division Chief
Kathleen F. DaRosa, Assistant Division Chief
Melissa Warren, Program Manager for Candidates and Elections
Catherine Ingram-Kelly, Elections Analyst for Candidates and Elections
(916) 657-2166
(916) 653-3214 fax
E-Mail: Elections@ss.ca.gov
- Secretary of State - Political Reform Division
Political Reform Division
Secretary of State
1500 11th Street, Room 495
Sacramento, CA 95814
(916) 653-6224
(916) 653-5045 fax
8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday
- Fair Political Practices Commission
428 J Street, Suite 620
Sacramento, CA 95814
(916) 322-5660
(916) 322-3711 Fax
(888) 622-1151 Fax-On-Demand
(916) 322-0886 "Assistance by fax"
(866) ASK-FPPC [(866) 275-3772] for technical assistance from
9:00 a.m. to noon and from 1:30 to 4:30 p.m. Monday - Friday.
(916) 327-2026 fax requests for written advice
County Elections Officials
- Alameda (01)
Bradley J. Clark, Registrar of Voters
1225 Fallon Street, Room G-1
Oakland, CA 94612
(510) 663-8683 General Information
(510) 272-6933 Administration and Candidates/FPPC
(510) 272-6982 Fax
Hours 8:30am - 5:00pm, Monday - Friday
email: brad.clark@acgov.org
- Alpine (02)
Barbara K. Jones, County Clerk
99 Water (Federal Express Only)
P O Box 158
Markleeville, CA 96120
(530) 694-2281
(530) 694-2491 Fax
Hours 8:30am - 12:00pm / 1:00pm - 5:00pm
email: coclerk@alpinecountyca.com
or asstcoclerk@alpinecountyca.com
- Amador (03)
Sheldon D. Johnson, Recorder - Clerk / Registrar of Voters
500 Argonaut Lane
Jackson, CA 95642
(209) 223-6465 Elections Department
(209) 223-6468 Recorder - Clerk office
(209) 223-0691 Fax
Hours 8:00am - 5:00pm, Monday - Friday
- Butte (04)
Candace Grubbs, County Clerk-Recorder-Registrar
25 County Center Drive
Oroville, CA 95965-3375
(530) 538-7761
(530) 538-6853 Fax
Hours 9:00am - 5:00pm, Monday - Friday
email: clerk@buttecounty.net
- Calaveras (05)
Karen Varni, County Clerk - Recorder
Elections Department
891 Mountain Ranch Road
San Andreas, CA 95249
(209) 754-6376
(209) 754-6733 Fax
Hours 8:00am - 4:00pm
- Colusa (06)
Kathleen Moran, County Clerk-Recorder
546 Jay Street
Colusa, CA 95932
(530) 458-0500
(530) 458-0512 Fax
Hours 8:30 - 5:00pm
email: info@colusacountyclerk.com
- Contra Costa (07)
Stephen L. Weir, County Clerk
524 Main Street
P O Box 271
Martinez, CA 94553
(925) 646-4166
(925) 646-1385 Fax
Hours 8:00am - 5:00pm
- Del Norte (08)
Vicki Frazier, County Clerk-Recorder
981 H Street, Room 160
Crescent City, CA 95531
(707) 464-7216 Clerk-Recorder
(707) 465-0383 Elections Department
(707) 465-0321 Fax
Hours 8:00am - 5:00pm
http://www.co.del-norte.ca.us/ or
- El Dorado (09)
Michele MacIntyre, Registrar of Voters
2850 Fairlane Court
P O Box 678001
Placerville, CA 95667
(530) 621-7480 Elections Department Office
(530) 621-7484 Registrar
(530) 626-5514 Fax
Hours 8:00am - 5:00pm
email: mmacintyre@co.el-dorado.ca.us
- Fresno (10)
Victor E. Salazar, County Clerk/Registrar of Voters
2221 Kern Street
Fresno, CA 93721
(559) 488-1730
(559) 488-3246 Elections
(559) 488-3279 Fax
Hours 7:00am - 5:00pm
email: clerk-elections@co.fresno.ca.us
- Glenn (11)
Vince T. Minto, County Assessor/Clerk-Recorder
516 W. Sycamore Street
Willows, CA 95988
(530) 934-6414 Elections Department
(530) 934-6485 Fax
Hours 8:00am - 5:00pm
email: sjt@inreach.com (only appears under Assessor Department)
- Humboldt (12)
Carolyn Wilson Crnich, Recorder, County Clerk & Registrar of Voters
3033 H Street
Eureka, CA 95501
(707) 445-7481
(707) 445-7678 Elections Office
Hours 8:30am - 12:00pm / 1:00pm - 5:00pm
email: elections@co.humboldt.ca.us
- Imperial (13)
Dolores Provencio, County Clerk-Recorder
940 West Main Street,
Suite 202
El Centro, CA 92243-2865
(760) 482-4226
(760) 337-4182 Fax
Hours 8:00am - 5:00pm
email: doloresprovencio@co.imperial.ca.us or
debbieporter@co.imperial.ca.us or
- Inyo (14)
Beverly J. Harry, County Clerk/Registrar of Voters
168 North Edwards
Independence, CA 93526
(760) 878-0224 Independence
(760) 872-2710 Bishop
(760) 876-5559 Lone Pine
(760) 878-1805 Fax
Hours 9:00am - 12:00pm / 1:00pm - 5:00pm
http://www.countyofinyo.org/ (for county
government in general; no site or email for clerk or elections department)
- Kern (15)
Ann K. Barnett, Auditor-Controller-County Clerk-Registrar of Voters
Elections Office
1115 Truxtun Avenue
Bakersfield, CA 93301
(661) 868-3590
(800) 452-8683 toll-free
(661) 868-3768 Fax
Hours 8:00am - 5:00pm, Monday - Friday
email: elections@co.kern.ca.us
- Kings (16)
George Misner, County Clerk-Recorder
Government Center
1400 West Lacey Boulevard
Hanford, CA 93230
(559) 582-3211 EXT. 4401
(559) 585-8453 Fax
Hours 8:00am - 5:00pm, Monday - Friday
- Lake (17)
Diane C. Fridley,
Chief Deputy Registrar
255 North Forbes Street
Lakeport, CA 95453
(707) 263-2372
(707) 263-2742 Fax
Hours 8:00am - 5:00pm, Monday - Friday (until 8:00 pm on election days)
- Lassen (18)
Theresa Nagel, County Clerk
220 South Lassen Street, Suite 5
Susanville, CA 96130
(530) 251-8217
(530) 257-3480 Fax
Julie Bustamante - Assistant Registrar of Voters, (530) 251-8352
Cindy O’Rorke - Campaign Statements/Poll Workers, (530) 251-8234
Patti Cardoza - Deputy Registrar, (530) 251-8217
Hours 9:00am - 12:00pm / 1:00pm - 4:00pm
email: lcclerk@co.lassen.ca.us
- Los Angeles (19)
Conny McCormack, Registrar - Recorder/County Clerk
12400 Imperial Hwy.
Norwalk, CA 90650
P O Box 1024
Norwalk, CA 90051-1024
(562) 462-2748
(562) 863-2039 Fax
(800) 815-2666 general number for clerk/recorder/registrar
(562) 466-1310 general number for elections info
(562) 462-2317 number for info on Candidate Nomination Procedures
Hours 8:00am - 5:00pm
email: voterInfo@rrcc.co.la.ca.us
Apparently two branch offices also accept candidate filings:
- 335 A East Avenue K-6
Lancaster, CA 93535
(661) 723-4494
Hours: 8:00 am to 4:30 pm, Monday through Friday
- 14340 West Sylvan Street
Van Nuys, CA 91401
(818) 374-7176
Hours: 8:30 am to 4:30 pm, Monday through Friday
- Madera (20)
Rebecca Martinez, County Clerk-Recorder
209 West Yosemite Avenue
Madera, CA 93637
(559) 675-7720
(800) 435-0509 Toll Free
(559) 675-7870 Fax
Hours 8:00am - 5:00pm, Monday-Friday
http://www.madera-county.com or
email: elections@madera-county.com
- Marin (21)
Michael Smith, Treasurer-Tax Collector/County Clerk/Registrar of Voters
Madelyn De Justo, Assistant County Clerk/Registrar of Voters
3501 Civic Center, Room 121
San Rafael, CA 94903
P O Box E
San Rafael, CA 94913-3904
(415) 499-6448 (not listed by Secretary of State, but not on own website)
(415) 499-6456
(415) 499-6447 Fax
Hours 8:00am to 4:30pm
email: countyclerk@co.marin.ca.us or
- Mariposa (22)
Marjorie Wass, County Clerk
Hall of Records
4982 10th Street
P.O. Box 247
Mariposa, CA 95338
(209) 966-2007
(209) 966-6496 Fax
Hours 8:00am - 5:00pm
http://www.mariposacounty.org (the
link for the elections department from this county site says it is under construction)
email: coclerk@mariposacounty.org
- Mendocino (23)
Marsha Wharff, Assessor-County Clerk-Recorder
Elections Department
501 Low Gap Rd., Room 1020
Ukiah, CA 95482
(707) 463-4371
(800) 992-5441 (When Prompted Dial 4370, 4371 or 4372) Toll Free For County
Residents Outside Ukiah Area
(707) 463-4257 Fax
Hours 8:00am - 5:00pm
email: acr@co.mendocino.ca.us
- Merced (24)
M. Stephen Jones, County Clerk/Registrar
2222 "M" Street, Room 14
Merced, CA 95340
(209) 385-7541
(209) 385-7387 Fax
Hours 8:00am - 5:00pm, Monday - Friday
- Modoc (25)
Maxine Madison, County Clerk
204 Court Street
P.O. Box 130
Alturas, CA 96101
(530) 233-6201
(530) 233-2434 Fax
Hours 8:30 - 12:00pm / 1:00pm - 5:00pm
(no county government website, some info on this county library page)
- Mono (26)
Renn Nolan, County Clerk-Recorder
Annex II
Bryant Street
P O Box 237
Bridgeport, CA 93517
(760) 932-5537
(760) 932-5531 Fax
Hours 9:00am - 5:00pm
actually is site for the county's Community Development Department, with page with
contact info for other departments and links when they go online
- Monterey (27)
Tony Anchundo, Registrar of Voters
1370 S Main St # B (in the Nob Hill Center, Stephanie Drive entrance)
Salinas, CA 93901
PO Box 1848
Salinas, CA 93902
(831) 796-1499
(831) 755-5485 Fax
Hours 8:00am - 5:00pm
email: rov@MontereyCountyElections.us
or for Charlene Day, Candidate Services, candidates@MontereyCountyElections.us
- Napa (28)
John Tuteur, Registrar of Voters
Napa County Registrar of Voters
900 Coombs Street, Room 256
Napa, CA 94559-2946
(707) 253-4321
(707) 253-4390 Fax
Hours 8:00am - 5:00pm
temporarily at
may not be at original location
when new County website is up
email: elections@co.napa.ca.us
- Nevada (29)
Lorraine Jewett-Burdick, County Clerk-Recorder
HEW Building
10433 Willow Valley Rd., Suite E
Nevada City, CA 95959-2367
(530) 265-1298
(888) 395-1298 toll-free
(530) 265-7159 Fax (listed on Secretary of State's website)
(530) 265-9829 fax
Hours 8:00am - 5:00pm, Monday - Friday
email: coclerk@nccn.net or
joy.massey@co.nevada.ca.us for
Assistant Clerk-Recorder
- Orange (30)
Steve Rodermund, Interim Registrar of Voters
1300 South Grand Ave., Bldg. C (At the corner of Grand Avenue and McFadden)
Santa Ana, CA 92705
P O Box 11298
Santa Ana, CA 92711
(714) 567-7600
(714) 567-7556 Fax
Hours 8:00am - 5:00pm, Monday - Friday
- Placer (31)
Jim McCauley, County Clerk-Recorder-Registrar
2956 Richardson Drive
Auburn, CA 95604
P O Box 5278
Auburn, CA 95604
(530) 886-5650
(530) 886-5689 Fax (from Secretary of State's website)
(530) 886-5688 Fax
Hours 8:00am - 5:00pm, Monday - Friday
email: election@placer.ca.gov
- Plumas (32)
Kathleen Williams, County Clerk-Recorder-Registrar of Voters
520 Main Street, Room 102
Quincy, CA 95971
(530) 283-6256
(530) 283-6155 Fax
Hours 8:00am - 5:00pm
- Kathleen Williams, Clerk/Recorder
- Melinda Rother, Assistant Clerk/Recorder
- Deborah Housen, Elections Specialist
- Gayle Anderson, Deputy Clerk/Recorder
- Riverside (33)
Mischelle Townsend, Registrar of Voters
2724 Gateway Drive
Riverside, CA 92507-0918
(909) 486-7200
(800) 773-VOTE Toll Free
(909) 486-7335 Fax
(909) 486-7200 CUSTOMER SERVICE
(909) 486-7272 CUSTOMER SERVICE fax
(909) 486-7330 ADMINISTRATION
(909) 486-7335 ADMINISTRATION fax
Hours 8:00am - 5:00pm
- Registrar of Voters, Mischelle Townsend
- Assistant Registrar of Voters, John Wilber
- Chief Deputy Registrar, Pauline Chamberlin
- Sacramento (34)
Jill LaVine, Registrar of Voters
3700 Branch Center Road
Sacramento, CA 95827
(916) 875-6451
(916) 875-6516 Fax
(916) 876-6688 spanish
Hours 8:00am - 5:00pm
email: CanadyB@saccounty.net
- San Benito (35)
John R. Hodges, County Clerk-Auditor-Recorder
Courthouse, Room 206
440 Fifth Street
Hollister, CA 95023-3843
(831) 636-4016 Elections Office
(831) 636-4029 County Clerk
(831) 636-2939 Fax
Hours 8:00am - 5:00pm
email: jhodges@elections.co.san-benito.ca.us
(not currently accessible, linked from county departments page at
- San Bernardino (36)
Scott Konopasek, Registrar of Voters
777 East Rialto Avenue
San Bernardino, CA 92415-0770
(909) 387-8300
(909) 387-2022 Fax
(800) 881-8683 toll-free
(909) 387-2077 spanish
Hours 8:00am - 5:00pm, Monday - Friday
email: rov@rov.co.san-bernardino.ca.us
- San Diego (37)
Sally McPherson, Registrar of Voters
5201 Ruffin Road, Suite I
San Diego, CA 92123
P O Box 85656
San Diego, CA 92186-5656
(858) 565-5800
(858) 694-2955 Fax
(858) 565-5800 spanish
(800) 696-0136 toll-free
Hours 8:00am - 5:00pm, Monday - Friday
email: rovmail@rov.co.san-diego.ca.us
- San Francisco (38)
John Arntz, Director of Elections
City Hall - 1 Dr. Carlton B Goodlett Place, Room 48
San Francisco, CA 94102-4635
(415) 554-4375
(415) 554-7344 Fax
(415) 554-4375 for information about candidates or campaign disclosure reports
Hours 8:00am - 5:00pm, Monday - Friday
email: rachel.gosiengfiao@sfgov.org
(candidates or campaign disclosure reports)
- San Joaquin (39)
Deborah Hench, Registrar of Voters
212 North San Joaquin Street
Stockton, CA 95201
P O Box 810
Stockton, CA 95201-0810
(209) 468-2885 Phone (main number listed on website)
(209) 468-2890 (from Secretary of State's website)
(209) 468-2889 Fax
Hours 8:00am - 5:00pm
email: dhench@co.san-joaquin.ca.us,
or gverstrepen@co.san-joaquin.ca.us
for Candidate Information and Services
- San Luis Obispo (40)
Julie Rodewald, County Clerk-Recorder
1144 Monterey Street, Suite A
San Luis Obispo, CA 93408-3237
(805) 781-5228 elections department
(805) 781-5080 main clerk-recorder number at SLO office
(805) 781-1111 Fax
Hours 8:00am - 5:00pm, Monday - Friday
email: jrodewald@co.slo.ca.us
Atascadero Office
5955 Capistrano
Suite B (Hotel Park Business Park)
Atascadero, CA 93422
(805) 461-6041
(805) 461-6043 fax
7:30 AM - 12:30 PM and 1:00 PM - 4:00 PM, Monday - Friday
- San Mateo (41)
Warren Slocum, Assessor-County Clerk-Recorder
40 Tower Road
San Mateo, CA 94402
(650) 312-5222
(650) 312-5348 Fax
Hours 8:00am - 5:00pm
email: registrar@smcare.org
- Santa Barbara (42)
Joseph E. Holland, County Clerk-Recorder-Assessor
1100 Anacapa Street, 2nd Floor
Santa Barbara, CA 93101
P O Box 159
Santa Barbara, CA 93102-0159
(805) 568-2200
(800) SBC-VOTE toll free
(805) 568-3247 Fax
Hours 8:00am - 5:00pm
email: bsmith@co.santa-barbara.ca.us
North County offices:
511 E. Betteravia Parkway, Suite 134
Santa Maria , CA 93455-1341
(805) 346-8374
(805) 346-8342 fax
401 E. Cypress St., Room 102
Lompoc, CA 93436
(805) 737-7704
- Santa Clara (43)
Jesse Durazo, Registrar of Voters
1555 Berger Drive, Bldg. 2
San Jose, CA 95112
P O Box 1147
San Jose, CA 95108-1147
(408) 299-VOTE
(866) 430-VOTE [8683] toll free
(408) 998-7314 Fax
(408) 299-8639 Candidate Services
(408) 998-7356 Candidate Services fax
Hours 8:00am - 5:00pm
email: registrar@rov.sccgov.org
- Santa Cruz (44)
Richard W. Bedal, County Clerk-Recorder
Gail Pellerin, Elections Manager
701 Ocean Street, Room 210
Santa Cruz, CA 95060-4076
(831) 454-2060
(831) 454-2445 Fax
(831) 454-2419 Elections Manager
Hours 8:00am - 5:00pm
email: gail.pellerin@co.santa-cruz.ca.us
- Shasta (45)
Ann Reed, County Clerk
1643 Market Street
Redding, CA 96001
P O Box 990880
Redding, CA 96099-0880
(530) 225-5730
(530) 225-5454 Fax
(530) 225-5166 Ann Reed, County Clerk
Hours 8:00am - 5:00pm
- Sierra (46)
Mary J. Jungi, County Clerk-Recorder
Courthouse, Room 11
Downieville, CA 95936-0398
(530) 289-3295
(530) 289-3300 Fax (from Secretary of State's web site)
(530) 289-2830 fax
Hours 9:00am - 12:00pm and 1:00pm - 4:00pm
email: clerk-recorder@sierracounty.ws,
or hfoster@sierracounty.ws (Ms. Heather
Foster for election info)
- Siskiyou (47)
Colleen Baker, County Clerk
311 - 4th Street, Room 201
Yreka, CA 96097
P O Box 338
Yreka, CA 96097-9910
(530) 842-8086
(530) 842-8093 Fax
Hours 8:00am - 5:00pm
email: cbaker@co.siskiyou.ca.us
- Solano (48)
Laura Winslow, Registrar of Voters
P.O. Box I
Fairfield, CA 94533
510 Clay Street
Fairfield, CA 94533
(707) 421-6675
(888) 933-VOTE (8683) toll-free
(707) 421-6678 Fax
Hours 8:00am - 5:00pm
email: elections@solanocounty.com
- Sonoma (49)
Eeve Lewis, County Clerk-Recorder-Assessor
Janice Atkinson, Assistant Registrar of Voters
435 Fiscal Drive
Santa Rosa, CA 95403
P O Box 11485
Santa Rosa, CA 95406-1485
(707) 565-6800
(800) 750-VOTE Toll Free
(707) 565-6843 Fax
Hours 8:00am - 5:00pm, Monday - Friday
- Stanislaus (50)
Lee Lundergrin, County Clerk-Recorder
1021 I Street, Suite 101
Modesto, CA 95354-2331
(209) 525-5200
(209) 525-5210 Fax
(209) 525.5230 spanish
Hours 8:00am - 4:00pm, Monday - Friday
- Sutter (51)
Joan Bechtel, County Clerk-Recorder
Linda Winter, Assistant Registrar of Voters
463 Second Street
Yuba City, CA 95991
(530) 822-7122
(530) 822-7587 Fax
Hours 8:00am - 5:00pm
email: jbechtel@co.sutter.ca.us
(note: they say they automatically reject messages
from hotmail, yahoo and other commonly used free email servers, but have a form
where anyone can submit a message from their web site)
- Tehama (52)
Mary Alice George, County Clerk-Recorder
633 Washington Street, Room 33
Red Bluff, CA 96080
P O Box 250
Red Bluff, CA 96080-0250
Elections Department
444 Oak St, Room C
Red Bluff, CA 96080
(530) 527-8190
(530) 527-1140 Fax
Hours 8:00am - 5:00pm, Monday - Friday
http://www.tehamacountyadmin.org/Departments/tehama_county_clerk.htm, or
email: elections@co.tehama.ca.us, or
mageorge@snowcrest.net for Mary Alice George
- Trinity (53)
Dero B. Forslund, County Clerk-Recorder-Assessor
101 Court Street
Weaverville, CA 96093
P O Box 1258 (on Secretary of State's website)
Weaverville, CA 96093-1258
PO Box 1215
Weaverville, CA 96093
(530) 623-1220 (on Secretary of State's website)
(530) 623-3762 Fax (on Secretary of State's website)
(530) 623-1215
(530) 623-8398 Fax
Hours 8:00am 5:00pm, Monday - Friday
or http://www.trinitycounty.org/elections/
email: elections@trinitycounty.org
- Tulare (54)
Jimmy R. Allen, Auditor-Controller/Registrar of Voters
221 South Mooney Blvd., Suite G28
Visalia, CA 93291-4596
(559) 733-6275
(559) 737-4498 Fax
Hours 8:00am - 5:00pm
email: hwallis@co.tulare.ca.us
- Tuolumne (55)
Tim R. Johnson, County Clerk-Auditor-Controller
Elections Department
39 N. Washington St., Suite A
Sonora, CA 95370
Mailing Address:
Administration Center
2 South Green Street
Sonora, CA 95370-4696
(209) 533-5570
(209) 694-8931 Fax
Hours 8:00am - 5:00pm, Monday - Friday
(not election department website, but entry on department in a local info site)
email: tjohnson@co.tuolumne.ca.us
- Ventura (56)
Phil Schmit, County Clerk-Recorder-Registrar of Voters
800 South Victoria Avenue, L-1200
Ventura, CA 93009-1200
(805) 654-2664 (from Secretary of State's website)
(805) 654-2781
(805) 648-9200 Fax
Hours 8:00am - 4:00pm, Monday - Friday
- Yolo (57)
Freddie Oakley, County Clerk-Recorder
625 Court Street, Room B02
Woodland, CA 95695
P O Box 1820
Woodland, CA 95776-1820
(530) 666-8133
(916) 375-6490
(800) 649-9943 toll-free
(530) 666-8123 Fax
Hours 8:00am - 5:00pm, Monday - Friday
email: cntyclrk@yoloelections.org
- Yuba (58)
Terry A. Hansen, County Clerk-Recorder
935 14th Street
Marysville, CA 95901-5793
(530) 741-6341
(530) 741-6545 County Elections Office
(530) 741-6285 Fax
Hours 8:00am - 5:00pm
This page was last updated on 10 March 2004